We are a scroll sawing club made up of scrollers from North Eastern Ohio. The Club was started about four years ago and we have come a long way since then. The club has scrollers of many different skill levels and areas of scrolling Including
pattern designer(S), Intarsia, fretwork and more...
We meet once of month meeting time will be determined by club officers and members at the previous meeting.
We have Club Dues of 25.00 $ Individual membership yearly
We are an active club and take part in many craft shows and events as well as club events and charity events. Giving back to the community is something the club has done in the past with participation in craft shows for local high school booster programs, local band programs, and a craft show for STEWARTS CARING PLACE which is a cancer support center.
We encourage Anyone Interested In Learning More About The Hobby To Contact Us. Any Clubs, Organizations or groups that would like to contact us about teaching the hobby to you please contact us as well. We both encourage and promote youth learning the hobby as well
New Members, Please Fill Out The Form on the "BECOME A MEMBER " page. We are open to all skill levels and will help anyone who wants to learn scrolling.